British Shorthair Kittens for Sale in North Carolina
Located in Youngsville North Carolina
(near Raleigh)
Celtic Cattery has been in business for 17 years with emphasis
on BSH kittens with
beauty, health and
litter DOB
coming soon!
Will be
people on
the waiting
coming soon!
Will be
people on
the waiting
Here are a
couple photos of
previously SOLD- British Shorthair
Camille/Oscar litter
“Born New Year’s Day!!
K1 - Sold!
K2 - Sold!
K3 - Sold!
Here are a few videos of SOLD kittens
The average wait for a kitten from my cattery is 3 months to a year. The reason for this is that this is a small cattery and I have built a clientele based on reputation. I answer emails promptly. I send photos of the kittens weekly to the new owners. I educate the owners on care and nutrition. It's a working relationship. Please take a few moments to review my most prized webpage -
Testimonials. My
beautiful kittens are socialized and the customer's happiness reflects this. If you want to know the terms of my spay/neuter contract - go to the Policy/Contract tab and click on the Contract. Prices subject to change.
In my opinion, if you are looking for an instant gratification kitten, this is not the cattery for you. It takes patience! Also, if color or gender is more important than health or personality - this is also not what this cattery can promise. I do NOT sell kittens based on gender. You may not know the gender until he/she is 6 weeks old when confirmed by the vet'. I do my best to guess.. If you want a pet that you can love and that will love you back - that's the whole reason for owning a pet! And that's what I concentrate on here - teaching our kittens from a very young age to be handled and loved. I also breed for health and beauty but no one can predict the future. I just do my best. Celtic Cattery is not the cattery for everyone. But if you choose us, I feel you will be very happy with that choice!
If you wish to be on the waiting list, please
fill out the form
below —There is NO cost to be added to the waiting list!:
I am VERY proud to announce my daughter, Tiana Chavez, has written & published her 1st children's picture book called Sevi's Story which is
for sale on Amazon! I encourage my kitty lovers to please purchase this book for your children, or children's children and share with others who might benefit from this endearing story about two special needs children who overcome adversity. If you do purchase, part of the proceeds goes to the hydrocephalus association which helps other kids who suffer with hydrocephalus, a brain condition called "water on the brain." This is to honor, Sevi, my beautiful and smart granddaughter, who was born with this illness. If you would like a signed copy of her book, please drop me a note with the name and brief message you want attached, and I will be sure the author sends you an autographed label! Mom's can still make their children do things... LOL!